Have you ever asked yourself ” DO I HAVE HAIR LOSS OR HAIR SHEDDING?! “
What!!! Are these two terms sound different!!
Yes, there is a difference
Read this article that might help you understand more about this issue.
Hair shedding often stops on its own, it’s normal to shed between 50 and 100 hairs a day. If this shedding exceeds the normal daily count, this is called excessive shedding.
This might happen when you undergo certain stressful conditions as losing weight, getting divorced, giving birth, after an operation, losing your job….etc
Actually, the shedding starts several months after the stressful event
This shedding is normal and temporary. As your body readjusts, the excessive shedding stops. Within 6-9 months, the hair tends to regain its normal fullness, but what if the stress stays with you, definitely hair shedding can stay longer. People who have chronic stress tend to have excessive hair shedding.
On the other hand, hair loss occurs when something stops the hair from growing. It is either hereditary which appear as gradual thinning in women who inherits these genes for hereditary hair loss or as a receding hairline or bald patch that begins in the center of the scalp in men who have hereditary hair loss. In such cases treatment is not so much promising we only try to maintain condition controlled not to get worse so the earlier the diagnosis the possible the treatment. Proceeding to hair loss causes it could be also due to some medications and treatments, autoimmune system overreaction, harsh hair products, hairstyles that pull the hair and affect blood circulation as hair extensions for example, whatever the cause it should be eliminated to start the treatment.
First you have to be diagnosed to choose the proper treatment for your case

Dermatologists can help you diagnose the condition and the earlier the treatment the better the results
Diagnosis could be through:
- Good history about medical condition, family history, drug intake…
- Blood analysis to exclude anemia, vitamin D deficiency…
- Pull out test to see how many hairs are pulled out
- Scalp biopsy to exclude infection
- light microscopy to see the hair shaft condition
After understanding the difference between hair loss and hair shedding let’s talk briefly about the important part which is how to avoid and how to treat.
1- To avoid hair damage that may cause hair loss:
Go natural:
- Leave your hair natural color and texture or at least choose ammonia free dyes and by saying ammonia free means (no ammonia – no hydrogen – no nitrogen or any mixture with these names).
- Don’t style your hair with tight braids.
- Choose hair products wisely: shampoos ,conditioners etc,..
- Brush properly avoid brushing your hair when wet , If it is a must use a wide-toothed comb on wet hair.
2- Treatment:
As treatment depends on the case, these are some of the examples but a dermatologist is the only one who can help you tailor the best treatment for your case.
- Eliminate the cause If your hair loss is caused by an underlying disease, treatment for that disease will be necessary.
- Multivitamins that blood tests has proved their deficiency.
- Mesotherapy for certain necessary multivitamins.
- Plasma riched platelets sessions using special kits to stimulate more growth factors.
- Hair fillers may nourish the hair shaft.
- Six In hereditary baldness Minoxidil (Rogaine) is the the only effective treatment but patient has to understand that this is for a life time period to maintain the results. At first it may cause hair shedding . New hair starts shorter and thinner than previous hair. At least six months of treatment is required to prevent further hair loss and to start observing hair regrowth.
- Medical shampoos , conditioners and hair masks as well as hair ampoules and serums.
To end it up these are my recommendations for hair care routine:
- Wash your hair 3 times a week maximum.
- Never brush when wet.
- Use cotton cloth or T shirt to dry your hair.
- Choose proper styling for your hair that doesn’t damage the hair blood circulation as mentioned before.
- Avoid excessive heat and hair dyeing by limiting your hairdresser visits.
- Trim your hair 1 inch once every 3-6 month.
- Use Ducray Anaphase shampoo for hair loss.
- Use Villa Borghini Regenerating Cream (conditioner).
- Use Ducray Creastim hair lotion for occasional hair loss.

Cosmetic dermatologist and aesthetic specialist